Hani I r h a n i B i n t i I s m a i l
The Lady Herself |
/Previous person/ |
----------------------------------------------Vital Information |
What is she doing now as at 2006? | Audit. Happy there? Time will tell. Currently staying in the same house |
with Roha | |
Started to mess things up >> | 06/07/1981 |
I was born a >> | Female |
I'm quite average >> | 165 cm |
My weight >> | 55 kg (2 tahun dari sekarng hehehe...) |
For the guys >> | Cancer |
I mainly listen to >> | Apa-apa je, janji best untuk didengar |
Movies interesting to me >> | Apa-apa je.... janji jangan lebih 2 jam |
If there's any free time left >> | Reading, sleeping, singing |
Collect anything? >> | Money... hehehe |
My most relaxing moment >> | Duduk dalm bilik sorang-sorang sambil berangan |
Irritating habit >> | Macam takde je |
------------------------The Burning Questions |
Things that need to be changed in UiTM? |
Bersyukur je la dengan apa yang ada. |
Do you think that you remember most of what you have learned in university? |
Hehe... mestilah tak. |
Tell us your dream job. What would it be like? |
Nak ada business sendiri tapi tak confirm lagi business apa... butik baju kot. |
Guys should share their "hantaran kahwin" expenses with the ladies. What do you think? |
Alaa... hantaran kahwin tu bukannya kena bayar tiap-tiap tahun. Apa salahnya kalau takyah kongsi-kongsi... hah lepas kahwin kongsi la |
apa-apa yang nak dikongsi. |
Have u ever fell in love with your friend’s boyfriend? If yes, then what did you do? |
Never... ish mintak-mintak di jauhkan. Kesian la member tu. |
Why is it so hard for a girl to leave her boyfriend, although her boyfriend treats her badly? |
Tak tau la kenapa erk... ala perempuan nie, kalau orang dah tak suka nak tunggu apa lagi, blah je lah cari yang lain. kita pun nak idup |
bahagia jugak. |
------------------------------------------------Contact Me |
E-mail >>
Address >> 23 Jalan Permas 1/28, Bandar Baru Permas Jaya, 81750 Johor Bahru, Johor Malaysia
/Previous person/ |
Since 2002 Created by // Nazrul Amree |
Contact // stayreo@yahoo.com |
http://segitiga.tripod.com |