Links L i n k s t o t h e t h i n g s t h a t m a t t e r
------------------------------The Things That Matter |
UiTM Official Website |
As usual, exam results, important dates and all the things that matters |
ACCA Official Website |
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Hey, its easier than our degree! |
MICPA Official Website neW!! |
>> |
Besides ACCA, you can check this one out |
CIMA Official Website |
>> |
Just like ACCA, its easier than our degree! |
Jobstreet |
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One of the best place to look for jobs in Malaysia. The list includes huge multinational companies too. |
Kelly Services neW!! |
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I went to register with Kelly's Malaysian office previously. The service is way better than Manpower's office. Recommended for job seekers |
Manpower |
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A multinational job agency. This is its Malaysian website. |
The Edge |
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Business and personal finance magazine. I think the hard copies sold at newsstands are better. |
Yellowpages |
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Looking for companies to do research? Practical training? You don't need those thick hard copy versions. Just go here. |
Kartoo |
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They say it's the future look of search engines because it is in graphic form, but to me it looks way too complicated. |
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The best and the biggest? It certainly is a huge site. Got loads of important links and excellent participation from members. |
Maybank |
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I'm sure most of you have Maybank accounts. This is a useful site for Maybank customers. You can see trancaction records, transfer |
money, pay bills, shop and do a whole lot more. |
Want to suggest new links? E-mail me >> |
-------------------------------------The Simpler Things That Matter |
KLUe Magazine |
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All the happenings in the Klang Valley. Very informative. Goodstuff. |
Cinema Online |
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Book your movie tickets online first. Then you don't have to xperience those long Qs at the cinema. Believe me, it saves time. |
Gempak |
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Ahh... everyone's favourite local comic. |
Wrecked Exotics |
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Car crash pictures that involve some of the most expensive automobiles ever produced , including Lamborghini Ferrari, and Mclaren F1. |
You'll find almost a quarter of a Billion Dollars worth of damage within this car crash collection. |
Formula One |
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Loads of news, inside info and pics of those glamorous pit girls |
F1 Racing |
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More news and info. The news are great, However not many interesting pictures. |
Askmen |
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Guys, u better visit this. |
Download.Com |
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Download tonnes of freeware and shareware. You never knew you needed them. |
Rolling Stone |
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The famed entertainment magazine. |
Wondermilk |
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This is a very beautiful site. You can find many quirky designer and limited items here. Goodstuff. |
iDreamsilver |
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This is where you can buy many collector's items inspired by movies, cartoons and comics. Optimus Prime anyone? |
Friendster |
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This is a very nice and useful site. A brilliant idea. Friendster is an online community that connects people through networks of friends for |
dating or making new friends. You can actually find your long lost or old childhood friends here. Try it. |
>> |
This is also another site to book your movie tickets online. Very useful especially if you intend to watch those |
"need-to-queue-for-an-hour-to-buy-tickets" movies such as The Lord of The Rings. |
Nuritabs |
>> |
This is a site for guitar enthusiasts who are more into local songs and bands. Here you can find popular guitar tabs, post questions and |
opinions and also discuss with like minded individuals. |
Mohamad Azmi Nias Ahmad |
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This is En. Azmi's website. From this website, we can know what one of our favourite lecturer is up to these days. There is also some |
useful links to other websites such as the virtual libraries. |
Mercy Malaysia |
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Mercy is a medical relief organization which consists of volunteers. It is dedicated to provide humanitarian aid in crisis situations |
irrespective of race, religion, culture and boundary. Mercy has served many nations such as Somalia, Kosovo, Turkey, Taiwan etc. This |
organization is headed by Datuk Dr. Jemilah Mahmood. We should visit this site to get an insight of what Mercy has done and we can also |
provide donations to this organization. |
Mobile Review |
>> |
This site reviews the latest handphones in the market. The reviews are very detail with multiple pictures of the handphones from all angles. |
There are also previews of new handphones that haven't been launched. This website is A+ material. Good stuff. Highly recommended. |
You must give this site a visit. |
Autoworld neW!! |
>> |
One of the best sites on Malaysian general auto scene. Can find lots of info and discussion here |
Motortrader neW!! |
>> |
Another great site on Malaysian general auto scene. Can find lots of info and discussion here. You can also buy the magazine. |
Soccernet neW!! |
>> |
Football lovers love this site. This site is even banned by my office server. I guess this site contributes to too many unproductive hours :p |
Want to suggest new links? E-mail me >> |
Since 2002 Created by // Nazrul Amree |
Contact // |
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