Wiz N u r w i z a n a S h u k r i
The Lady Herself |
/Previous person/ |
----------------------------------------------Vital Information |
Started to mess things up >> | 15/02/1981 |
I was born a >> | Female |
Height >> | Tak berapa tinggi |
My weight >> | Berat jugak la :P |
Star sign >> | - |
I mainly listen to >> | Apa2 je yang best lagi syok |
Movies interesting to me >> | Kelakar... lawak... lucu... 18PL... 18SG... 18SX |
If there's any free time left >> | TV... TV... Magazine |
Collect anything? >> | Handphone... heheh... duit |
My most relaxing moment >> | When do nothing la |
Irritating habit >> | Me... ade ke? |
------------------------The Burning Questions |
Things that need to be changed in UiTM? |
Pak guard and mak guard |
Do you think you remember most of what you have learned in university? |
No la... hehe... maklumla tak rajin blaja... tak pandai lak tu |
Tell us your dream job. What would it be like? |
Manager of production house... hehe bley? |
Guys should share their "hantaran kahwin" expenses with the ladies. What do you think? |
Mmm... kalau dah sayang tu apa2 pun bley. Nanti dah kawin bayar la balik. Kalau tak bayar balik pun sama gak... duit ku duit mu jua. |
heheh... tapi kalau lelaki tu rasa dia macho lagi hebat, takkan nak share kot? TAK MALU KE? |
Have u ever fell in love/ had a crush on your friend’s boyfriend? If yes, then what did you do? |
Takde la plak... sebab bf aku jauh... takde la plak aku slalu jumpa kengkawan dia... so takkan nak suka kot? lagi pun sape la aku. |
Why is it so hard for a girl to leave her boyfriend, although her boyfriend treats her badly? |
Ish yeke? susah ke? aku ok aje... kalau dah tak layan aku, ataupun layan teruk... aku tinggal je trus. aku carik lain. tak payah carik pun... |
ramai yang tunggu ape? :P |
------------------------------------------------Contact Me |
E-mail >> Address >> No. 9, Jalan C-10, Taman Melawati, 53100 Kuala Lumpur
/Previous person/ |
Since 2002 Created by // Nazrul Amree |
Contact // stayreo@yahoo.com |
http://segitiga.tripod.com |